Optimizing your Mortgage Process: Marketing and CRM Best Practices

About this webinar

Marketing to potential clients, executing mortgage applications and managing client relationships after closing are three very different processes. Join this webinar to hear from Tristan Kirk, Managing Partner at Citadel on optimal marketing and CRM workflows.

Webinar: Optimizing your Mortgage Process: Marketing and CRM Best Practices 
When: On Demand (watch when it suits you)
Duration: 45min + Q&A


Why you should watch

This webinar will share how the processes of marketing, executing and client relationships should work together. Attendees will also receive a step by step tutorial on how to set up a CRM properly, to connect to your Finmo application process.


This Webinar Covers:

  • Industry best practices: covering marketing and CRM systems
  • Step by step tutorial: how to set up your CRM properly

Watch the Webinar